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183 Treffer für «365��������� ������������Talk:PC53���»

Franzen_Mader_2019_ger.pdf (PDF, 193 KB)

The study was conducted online with 365 student subjects. ... Note: N = 365, min = 0, max = 16, mean = 8.50, median = 9, modus = 7, sd = 2.97, Cronbach’s α = 0.62. The numbers in the last column indicate factor loadings of a varimax rotated exploratory principle component factor analysis for polychoric correlations on components I, ... Dummy for ≥ 1 ‘yes’ answer (I)-(X) (n=365) ...

Moralische und emotionale Aspekte in Gesprächen in den Bereichen «Ernährung», «Konsum» und «Nachhaltige Entwicklung» ? ein Beitrag zur Hochschuldidaktik (PDF, 918 KB)

Schlagwörter accountable talk – political emotions – Ernährung und Verbraucherbildung – Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung ... Gemäss unterrichtsbezogenen Untersuchungen führt hingegen das Konzept «accountable talk» dazu, dass Schülerinnen und Schüler im Unterricht mehr über die betreffenden Themen lernen, als dies durch «traditional teaching» (ohne solche Gespräche) der Fall ist, ...

Common knowledge does not have the Beth (PDF, 156 KB)

However, it is well known that any formula of modal logic can only talk about a finite portion of a model and that this is not sufficient to express certain epistemic situations of particular interest. ... Slides available at ftp://ftp.cs. ... In M. Vardi, editor, Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge, pages 365–379.

Language_dialect_periphery_abstracts_ger.pdf (PDF, 4.52 MB)

PLENARY TALKS Anita Auer University of Lausanne Thursday 13.12.2018, 09:30–10:30 (Uni S, A-119) The Glarus Dialect in the American Midwest During the so-called “Age of Mass Migration” (1850-1920s), many Swiss people left their home in search of betterment elsewhere. ... This talk will introduce the current research project and present some preliminary results.

Institut für Pathologie (PDF, 3.11 MB)

Keywords: • Cross-talk innate / adaptive immunity • Role of inflammation for cancer development • Immunopathology Research Activities Project 1: Role of cytokine signaling for tumor development Inflammation is a driver of cancer. ... Project 3: Cross-talk between innate and adaptive immunity The vertebrate immune system comprises the innate immune system, providing the first line of defense, and the adaptive ...

MeierRothen_NS07_ger.pdf (PDF, 260 KB)

Nature 406:365. ... Simner J, Hubbard EM (2006) Variants of synesthesia interact in cognitive tasks: evidence for implicit associations and late connectivity in cross-talk theories.

Thesis_Vybornyi.pdf (PDF, 12.03 MB)

DNA-inspired chromophore assembly – on the way to 2D supramolecular polymers Inauguraldissertation der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bern vorgelegt von Mykhailo  ...